Fo Shizzle, My Nizzle

Quick Update:

Round 4 tomorrow morning. C and I are over in G’Town tonight, since I gotta be at the hospital at 7am. So, “Once more unto the breach dear friends,” or, if you prefer Snoop Dogg over Shakespeare, “Fo shizzle, my nizzle, the more medicated, the more dedicated,” although, I’m pretty sure the medication Snoop was referring to wasn’t chemo. Whatever the case, I’m ready to roll.

A couple of recent things I’m thankful for:

1 – Since my last “Usain Bolt” post, I was fortunate enough to get in a 7.25M bike / 2M walk n’ shuffle workout (hey, do that 10 or 12 times, throw in a few hours on the river, and you basically have a 24hr adventure race …), then a 9.25M bike / 1M “run” yesterday. The 1M “run” really was kind of a run – I only walked about 50 yards of it. I’m not going to post my time, but let’s just say the big Jamaican is safe for now. It doesn’t help that I’ve somehow gained 15+ lbs since my diagnosis and still need a little surgery on my knee. Nevertheless, it was as empowering a workout as I’ve ever had, and I give thanks to God for that 6, errrr 12ish minutes.

2 – Sitting here in the Georgetown Inn today, I finally got the last round of edits into the novel I’ve been working diligently on (recently, but really for years). It goes off to the copyeditor on February 8. I’m super stoked to call it a wrap and move on to other creative projects I have cookin’.

Side note: the annual “Chill” Adventure Race was yesterday, down near Charlottesville. It’s a race I’ve done several times and is the last one I did (last January). It was a bummer to miss it this year, but shout out to my boys from Team Morga, who reported it was pretty epic. I’m plotting my return, so all you guys and gals I’ve raced with in the past, get ready to sign up for something later this year (and maybe carry me in a litter or something, if need be).

One last thing: I’d like to ask for prayers tonight for a couple, Fred and Meryl Trachtman, C and I met a few months back. You may remember from previous posts, Fred had his port put in the same day as me and began chemo the same day, as well. He’s the runner guy I talked to about coming through this together and one day joining up to run Pikes Peak again (though we were confusingly talking about two different races). Anyway, got word today that although Fred has fought the good fight, he’s taken a turn for the worse and is now at home under hospice care. I did not know Fred well at all, but I felt a connection to him, and C has been in touch with Meryl quite often. Our prayers go out to the both of them and the rest of their family, that God may grant them comfort and peace.

I’ll catch up with everyone on the other side of this round. Until then, thanks again for all the support and love. Peace out …

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