Tough One

Tough update this time around, but I know a lot of folks have been thinking of us and praying for us, so here it is. Unfortunately, the chemo has not worked to shrink the tumors. And unfortunately, it has done some damage to my heart, although we’re hoping that reverses in the months to follow. On the negative side, it looks like the tumors are more “lit up” on the PET scan, which usually means faster-growing cancer. On the positive side, the tumors don’t appear to have grown in any significant way, and it doesn’t appear the cancer has spread to other parts of my body.

Had a long televisit with the doc today and went over our options moving forward. I won’t try to explain all that here, as it’s just too much info. We have some serious decision-making in front of us, but I’m thankful we have some options to consider.

To all who’ve been praying for the Graber family, reaching out, touching base, etc., I can’t tell you how much we appreciate it. It’s tough to not have our prayers answered the way we’d like. It’s easy to say all the right things – quite another to accept this kind of disappointment with grace.  But let’s keep up the fight and keep the faith.

Finally, for anyone who’s said I have grit and so on, let it be known my wife and kids have more grit in their pinky fingers than I do in my whole body. It’s tough to share heartbreak with those closest to you, but I’m learning the hard way I can’t go it alone. Thank God for surrounding me with so much strength and love.

Once we get a plan in place, I’ll let you all know. Until then, peace out!

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